Yuki to Sumi

Yuki to Sumi

  • Tên khác

    雪と墨, Yuki to Sumi, Snow and Ink, Tuyết và Mực

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Giới thiệu

Neneo was being hauled through the city for the terrible crime of murdering 50 villagers. "I will buy you" she said. With one word, Freya, the daughter of a prestigious family, changed his fate as he was about to be beheaded. When Freya loses the battle for the throne and heads off to a remote, cold region, Neneo is ordered as her squire, and he finds himself in the company of a woman who, like himself, is scorned and pitied by the world. The two have different backgrounds and different ways of thinking, but as they confide in each other about their respective circumstances, they come to understand each other.

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