Mahou Shoujo × Haiboku Saiban

Mahou Shoujo × Haiboku Saiban

  • Tên khác

    魔法少女×敗北裁判, Magical Girl's Defeat Trial

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Giới thiệu

In this world, Magical Girls are the only ones who can fight the "monsters," the invaders from another realm. They must be courageous, inspire hope in people, and above all, they must never be defeated! However, some girls crumble under this heavy responsibility and lose to the monsters, tarnishing the name of Magical Girls. In the courtroom of the "Defeat Trial," their disgrace is exposed, and they face severe punishment. To save these unfortunate girls, the rookie magical lawyer, Misago Yuuri, rushes to their aid!

Danh sách chương

10 giờ trước
5 ngày trước
1 tuần trước
1 tuần trước
1 tuần trước