Isekai Raku Raku Survival: Seizon Skill Tsuwamono no Ore ga Bishoujo Shiri to Kurasu Mujintou Seikatsu
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異世界らくらくサバイバル~生存スキル強者の俺が美少女四人と暮らす無人島生活~, Isekai Rakuraku Survival: Seizon Skill Kyousha no Ore ga Bishoujo Yonin to Class Mujintou Seikatsu, Easy Survival in Another World: With My Robust Survival Skills, I’ll Live on an Uninhabited Island With Four Beautiful Girls
More than ten years have passed since a means of transporting individuals from Earth to another world was developed.
High school student Kakeru Satomi was taught survival techniques and wisdom by his mountain-dwelling grandfather. Kakeru was sent to another world together with 100 other adventurers of the same age in order to take part in a training program to become an adventurer, but the portal device that linked Earth and the other world vanished right after their transfer...!
With the way back to Earth blocked, thus began a dangerous life of survival on an uninhabited island in another world!